Elliot's Portfolio
App furnace is a well known app mobile development on the Intenet. Its a very simple but effective way to create an application of your choice. It uses a drag and drop system which makes it very easy for the user to get to grips with. You are able to create pages and add buttons to navigate around them. It allows you to build applications and sgames for both iOS and Android devices. Once the game or appplicaition is created you are able to download the App Furnace off the appstore which gives you the ability to play with and test the application to see how it looks on Iphone/Andriod decice. If you have a basic knowloge of coding you can also use this to your advantage using Java Script.
Our assignment was to create an app and then present it to the class. I had many ideas for this assignment, firstly i wanted to create a game for Iphone but then I had another idea. From my experience since i moved to bristol I always didnt know where to go on a night out or where the closest fast food place was to go. I decided to create a application that provides this called "Drunken Times".

I will now describle each page and what it includes.
Menu - The menu consists of the buttons that let you navigate around the application. As you can see the title is Drunken Times and you have a bottle of grey gouse vodca. You have night club pictures, fast food, taxis and nightclubs.
NightClub pictures - This page has a list of the most popular night clubs in bristol and one clicked on you are taken to another page with the club pictures. I also changed the background on this page as i felt it suited the title
Kebab Page - This page has the three best kebabs in Bristol. All you have to do is press the button of choice and it will begin to ring the kebab.
Taxi Page - This page has 7 taxi numbers that you can call if needed in Bristol. There is a call button next to each kebab which again will ring once pressed. The taxi picture is also a GIF that I created that channges colour
Club Map page- Finally we have a map. On this map I have pin pointed the locations of the best nightclubs in Bristol. It also finds out your location so you will know where to walk and see how far away you are.
Overall I feel that this app could be very useful for a night out in Bristol. Not only does it make sure you get home by giving you taxi numbers it willl make sure you get your Kebab. I have had some advice for my app and my friends and class mates agree if an app like this was on the app store they would get it. I feel i enjoyed this project the most as I love making applications and coming up with ideas for it. App furnace is brilliant to use as the drag and drop system makes it easy for anyone to use and the ability to view it on your phones makes it all the more impressive.